Dec 27, 2010

Off-Road RC Cars - Are Electric Brushless Motors Killing Off Nitro?

For as long as I can remember the RC industry has gone back and forth between nitro and electric motors. Just a few years ago most off-road trucks and buggies were running Nitro due to the raw power it delivered.

A recent visit to my local hobby shop this week reveals a totally different picture just a few years later. The new electric brushless motors coupled with the powerful LiPo battery backs are killing their Nitro competition.

Of course die-hard nitro lovers will still probably stick to nitro for quite some time but the big difference in power that nitro used to have as an advantage isn't there anymore. People are switching to electric engines because they are quieter, cleaner and require much less maintenance / tweaking and tuning compared to nitro engines.

The brushless electric motors are especially attractive to those that are new to the RC hobby, and don't want to go through the learning curve of learning how to break-in, tune and tweak a nitro powered engine.
Most of the top RC car manufacturers have released electric brushless motor versions of their favorite nitro trucks, such as the HPI Savage Flux HP and the Traxxas E-Maxx Brushless Edition.

These trucks running electric motors can easily reach speeds of up to 50+ mph straight out of the box and even up to 65+ mph with some minor modifications and hop-up parts.

Another added benefit to the new brushless systems is that most of them now run everything on the truck itself off the battery packs, without needed extra batteries for the receiver/steering servo, and an extra batter pack for an engine starter such as is needed with nitro engines. You now just need to worry about one set of batteries for your radio and one set of batteries for your truck. No more having to worry about having three different sets of batteries charged on top of your nitro fuel.

One of HPI's top of the line electric brushless motor monster trucks is the Savage Flux HP. For more information on this and other RC trucks please visit

RC Off Road Electric Cars

For many years now individuals all over the world have been enjoying RC off road electric cars. If you are not one of the ones that are into those RC electric cars then we highly recommend you getting into them. You should know that RC electric cars really are fun. You should also know that you will find a lot of people who have hobbies that involve RC electric cars.

When it comes to RC off road electric cars, you are going to find individuals all over the world from all walks of life, young and old messing with them. If you are into putting RC electric cars together then you can find those kits where you can put them together yourself. If you do not want to put the RC car together yourself then you can always just go to a store and purchase the car.

We would like for you to know that RC off road electric cars can be categorizes in two different classes and that is a toy or a hobby grade. Many times when it comes to RC cars many individuals take both categories. When we talk about electric cars you should know that electric means that the cars will be powered by small electric motors. Don't let that full you because those small electric motors are actually pretty powerful. If you have ever been around an electric car then you know just what we are speaking about.

RC off road electric cars have rechargeable nickel - cadmium, lithium polymer cells or nickel metal hydride. If you are just starting out and getting into RC car (radio controlled cars) then we highly recommend you going into the electric car category. Yes, there are other categories for cars such as nitro (fuel powered cars) but we should leave that to the experts. RC electric cars are very fun to work with and are considered to be really easy when it comes to working on them.

If you have been searching for a RC car then you may want to take the time to do your research before you make your purchase. You should know that there are many different brands of RC off road electric cars. If you are looking for a car that is a bit more complex then you should expect to pay a little bit more money on it but you should know it is well worth it. When you are in the hobby shop you can ask the employers what the best car is and see if they can point you in the right direction.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about RC off road cars [], please visit Collecting Electronic Toys [] for current articles and discussions.

Dec 23, 2010

Purchasing Gas RC Trucks

Purchasing Gas RC Trucks

When buying a new electric and gas powered RC truck there are a variety of choices accessible to you but that is greatest? Most towns and cities have at least one local hobby shop stocking RC trucks and cars. There are mail order suppliers that market inside the mainstream RC vehicle journals there are an ever growing quantity of online retailers catering to the hobby. All these getting channels have their pros and cons however they might not be immediately clear to amateur RC collectors let’s quickly go over them here.

If obtaining the absolute most inexpensive price to get a truck is most significant for your requirements then it is hard to look beyond the web and mail order suppliers. Warehouse space is substantially more affordable than retail space and thus it is rare for your local hobby retailers in order compete on price. Equally your Local Hobby Store is unlikely to be capable of stock anywhere nearby the full range of trucks that are for sale at the moment so your getting choices is going to be curtailed should you limit yourself to vehicles that they stock stock. Even worse some stores is only going to carry trucks in one or two companies meaning there exists a high chance the18 wheeler you desperately want isn’t accessible to you.

By the way, I found this amazing promotion in Amazon related with this topic. Check it out while it's on!What the local hobby merchants provide however is really a more private service and a wide range of spares for your trucks they stock. The instant availability of spares can be a godsend to the RC novice who is more likely to suffer the odd mishap here and there while they discover the limits of both their truck and themselves. As they are generally owned/run by experienced RC collectors, perhaps the most significant thing the LHS will offer is technical support and guide together with your trucks. After i first started out with gas RC trucks it absolutely was nice to have somebody local I could use if something was wrong with my engine tuning or to advise on things like what fuel or glow plugs to make use of.

You now might be thinking, Hey I could have the better of both worlds here, buy a truck that my Local Hobby Store provides spares for from the internet at the smallest price possible after which get the parts and help from the store in the foreseeable future. Well, yes that perhaps true but just remember, support the nearest shopping center and they’ll be there to guide you when it’s needed! The store staff will walk out there way to assist you should you obtained the18 wheeler from them to start with.

Ultimately the decision to buy locally, on the internet or through mail order often results in a trade off between having your first choice truck or the parts and support being offered in the local shop. Only you can choose which could well be most significant for your requirements as you start your gas RC trucks adventure. Consider smartly.

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Dec 20, 2010

Good reasons for a gas RC Helicopter

Let's put it this way. Are you out of the house looking for a cheap helicopter, gas RC helicopter is to be out of the question, as this helicopter has to be a high price. In fact, they are more expensive than other types of model planes and helicopters. By the way, if you find the sound of a helicopter in the negative, so that night flying, then think again. A helicopter of the gas is not like an electric vehicle that has no noise. Sincehelicopter is equipped with a gas engine, has a lot of noise. Are you looking for a helicopter skill with which you can learn, then find a different model, since the gas helicopters are so easy to beat and not the question. But he said all this, you should hang up the gloves and give you the thrill of flying the helicopter. There is more gas-powered RC model helicopters, except being the cost and noise. Heli gas aresome of the most popular models and aircraft flown today. Both beginners and experienced pilots who love them. There are many reasons why you should buy a gas RC. If there is a rich, like most RC helicopters, you will have fun assembling them. They may need specialist knowledge and skills for the collection. House will be so much fun, and this would have raised you see your dream for life helicopter from the ground to reach. You're talking about flying, then gas RCHelicopters are hard to beat. But once you've mastered the art of flying them, you will realize that fly large models. These helicopters can do and more daring maneuver, aerobics full of surprises and that means it is not easy to control, especially if you are a beginner. These helicopters are used during the flight, because they have aircraft is a complicated remote control is not the same as that of the normal model. The remoteusually 4 or 6 channels of the system and has a high price. This means you need a lot of concentration during the flight, but it's fun. However, if you are a beginner and really do not need expensive plan, you can settle for a basic, JR 6102 as a helicopter, which is much simpler. Another reason why you should buy a helicopter engine, a gas, because these helicopters are similar in many respects the real helicopter. They are closer to reality, with theirphysical configuration and the way they fly. Each pilot was flying a model stirred that is similar to the real one and that makes flying fun. It is much easier to fly ultra-light helicopter, helicopter when he learned the art of flying RC gas powered.


Scott Kimball remembers what it was like to be a 4-year-old who wanted an airplane so badly, he couldn’t sleep. Nothing as grand as a gigantic 747 or a sleek F-16 – just a model plane he could take to the nearest field and guide with wires.
“My father flew control-line airplanes, and I couldn’t wait to join him,” he said. “When I became old enough, I got all the airplanes I wanted. I’ve been doing this for 26 years, and the passion hasn’t left.”
Last February, Kimball and his friend Rob Schryver, who started flying model airplanes and helicopters about 22 years ago, opened Hobby World of Louisville (104 Vieux Carre Drive) to give other enthusiasts the kind of help that was hard to find back then.
“We had to find out everything ourselves,” Schryver said. “This is our opportunity to give back, whether our customers choose model cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters, boats or rockets, so they can succeed with them. We started Hobby World to pay it forward.”


photos by MARY ALAN WOODWARD | contributing photographer
Hobby World of Louisville owners Scott Kimball and Rob Schryver.

Their pledge includes matching each customer with the right vehicle, whether it’s a rock-crawling off-road car or a P-51 Mustang fighter plane. Hobby World employees can help set it up (or even build it from scratch), and give complete training for controlling it properly and safely.
“We don’t like selling a box and saying ‘Good luck,’” Schryver said. “Someone at a big store might sell you a nice vehicle, but will they come around the counter and show you how to drive it, fly it or fix it? We will.”
The impressive planes that hang from Hobby World’s ceiling – several of which are big enough to tempt their owners to ride on them, if not in them – testify to how sophisticated this pastime has become. Control-line models remain popular, but radio-controlled (RC) versions that run on batteries, gasoline or nitromethane ramp up the thrills. For as little as $89, fledgling Chuck Yeagers can launch aircraft made of stiff foam, or pay up to $40,000 for sophisticated fiberglass models.


To help aviators learn to fly their miniature RC aircraft, Hobby World has a televised flight simulation program that lets them practice using hand-held controls to send their vehicles skyward. That training is followed by real test flights in nearby fields.
“Here, they can crash all they want, then do better when they go outdoors,” Schryver said. “If anything happens, we have a full-service repair shop in the back.” The expert Hobby World staff includes Paul Matuszak, whose 3-year-old son, Andrew, already flies a small helicopter.
“Adults and kids alike love getting away from video games to have hands-on fun with models,” Schryver said. “We even have an indoor mini-Z-track next door so people can race their cars year-round. People rent it for parties, and we’ve taken it to schools, festivals and Scouting events.
“You can’t help smiling when you see these models in action,” he added. “If a customer isn’t having fun, we aren’t doing our job. But we haven’t heard a complaint yet.”
Hobby World of Louisville is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. Visit ­ or call (502) 749-7879.

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