Mar 16, 2011

Something You Need Know about Electric RC Car World

Something You Need Know about Electric RC Car World


ada faulk

RC cars are always among the hottest toys in any given year because of kids\' fascination with controlling cars of their own, plus the fact that there are countless adult RC car enthusiasts throughout the world. RC cars run on electricity, gas or nitro-fuel. While there are many different kinds of RC vehicles, electric RC cars are becoming more and more popular with good reason. While there are nitro and gas powered RC vehicles, there are some drawbacks to these that you don\'t find in electric RC cars. One of them of course is the fact the fuel engine RC\'s use petroleum products, which pollute the environment, no matter how small their emissions might be. Anyone who is environmentally conscious will like the fact that electric models don\'t pollute the air.

Mar 6, 2011

Off-road Rc Cars

Off-road Rc Cars


Shareen Aguilar

There are already two choices available for your RC car. You can either run it on or off road but if you want to go the extra mile and add a few rush of adrenaline to your racing experience, you can opt for the off road car, truck or buggy. We all know that RC cars are the most common type among all other RC toys. RC cars are ideal for a typical racer or those who love speed even from just little cars.

But then again, there are still the off-road type of RC vehicles you can try just in case off-roading became a sudden curiosity and interest to you; there are off-road trucks and buggies available. Don’t worry, if you think that off-road RC trucks are limited to electric engines, better think again because these babies are also available in nitro fueled engines. It doesn’t stop there, if you’re a first timer in handling off-road RC trucks, don’t worry, there are ready-made merchandise available in the market as well.

4 Tamiya RC Cars - How They Ensure A Rich Experience

4 Tamiya RC Cars - How They Ensure A Rich Experience


Abhishek Agarwal

Tamiya is known for its magnificent miniatures of automobiles. It is a company of high standard and it is very popular today for introducing to the world competitive mini 4WD racing. Not many people around the world actually know that it was Tamiya which actually introduced the RC cars as well. The RC car line in Tamiya has several models that boast the quality of the company in various model designs.