Feb 4, 2011

Nitro RC Car - 4 Basic Facts Before You Start This Hobby

Nitro RC Car - 4 Basic Facts Before You Start This Hobby


Abhishek Agarwal

After 'The fast and the furious', it has become a common misconception that you can call any speed boosting addition to your car a \'Nitro\'. As a result many people who come across the term 'Nitro RC car' are often mislead to believe that its been upgraded.

One can assume such a perception has come from the fact that lots think gas powered radio control cars run on actual gasoline. This couldn\'t be further from the truth. What Nitro car actually means is gas powered remote controlled car. This is because this kind of RC car consumes a specialized type Nitromethane and lubricant mixture.

So what should you have to get started on your Nitro RC car?

1. Experience - it is recommended you have sufficient experience in operating an electric RC car before you purchase a Nitro RC car. If you\'re a rookie at RC car usage then you probably wont be able to handle a Nitro RC car. This is why beginners are recommended to first get electric cars before they upgrade to Nitro RC cars. Thus, they can have enough skill to be comfortable with the Nitro RC cars.

2. Interest- if you are not interested in Nitro RC cars, then there is absolutely no point in pursuing the hobby. You have to have a drive behind you to truly get the best from the RC car hobby. A hobby like Nitro RC car is expensive business and nobody likes spending on something that does not give them profit. Profit here does not mean monetary gain, but to the profit of pursuing a hobby.

3. Information- it isn\'t very beneficial to start off with the Nitro RC cars without having enough information about different things related to it. Nitro RC car racing is often tricky. Having the correct information helps you select and maintain the car of your choice and the chances of you going wrong are less. In fact, with the right information you can even financially profit from this hobby.

4. The correct materials- you may be wondering exactly what are the tools you need equip your Nitro RC car with. Here is a list that can help you decide.

i) Nitro RC car kit - contains just about everything that is required by you for building yourself a basic model of the Nitro RC car. The kit contains what is required to build the RC car itself and includes the chassis, engine, and the whole ensemble. If you\'re a beginner it is recommended that you stick to the instructions given in the manual that comes along with the RC kit. With progress in building the car, you might want to graduate from the standard look to your own customized look for your vehicle.

ii) Fuel- the fuel required, in this case Nitromethane-castor oil mix, for powering your Nitro RC car, are available in different hobby stores and shops. Remember- using gasoline to power your Nitro car is not only wrong it is also extremely dangerous. Gasoline is extremely volatile and usually less volatile fuels are used to power the Nitro RC car. In fact gasoline is so volatile that it can even make your engine explode if used. If you\'d like to ensure that your car lasts for long and in good condition, it is advisable you use only the fuel that is recommended. With precaution you can enjoy your RC hobby for many days.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/needlework-articles/nitro-rc-car-4-basic-facts-before-you-start-this-hobby-739757.html
About the Author
Abhishek has a passion for Remote Control Cars and he has got some great RC Cars Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 106 Pages Ebook, 'Remote Control Cars Inside Out!' from his website http://www.Auto-Whiz.com/477/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.

1 comment:

  1. Nitro RC Car racing is my hobby. Thanks for sharing four Basic Facts Before You Start This Hobby. I really appreciate your because you have given The correct materials for RC cars, Nitro RC car kit and which the fuel required this all information.
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